What is a credit card number? It is the series of numbers that are featured on your credit card that were chosen specifically for you once your application for a card was approved. Also called bank card numbers in some areas, these numbers are the primary account numbers that are found on both credit cards as well as bank debit cards.
These special numbers have an internal structure to them and they share a particular common numbering sequence. Credit card numbers are a special type of bank card numbers known as ISO/IEC 7812. This type of number is made up of a variety of parts. There is a single-digit Major Industry Identifier (MII), a six-digit Issuer Identification Number (IIN), an account number, and finally, a single digit check sum that is calculated using the Luhn algorithm. The MII part of the number is considered to be a part of what makes up the IIN. What was once referred to as a “Bank Identification Number” (BIN) is now referred to as the “Issuer Identification Number” (IIN).
Let us ask the question again- what is a credit card number? All of the numbers, letters and acronyms inherent in these numbers can seem confusing. The good news is that knowing what makes up the credit card number you have is not information that is necessary in terms of using your card. It is good however to have a little background on what goes into creating the card numbers for credit cards. Think of it this way- if you know what it is all about then you will be able to explain it to others if they ask!
Take your credit card out of your wallet and take a close look at it. If you focus on the number you were assigned then it is worth noting that the first six digits of the number are called the Issuer Identification Number (IIN). As the name implies, these numbers identify what institution issued the credit card to you, the card holder. The remaining digits that make up the card are allocated by the card’s issuer.
An Issuing Network is used to issue the cards to individuals. If you have ever heard anyone talk about the card number’s length then this refers to the number of digits that are contained within the complete number from beginning to end. While it is not necessarily essential to do so, many credit card issuers choose to print the first four digits of the Issuer Identification Number (IIN) on the credit card just below where the number is clearly embossed. This is done as a precautionary safety measure. Now you can answer the question, what is a credit card number.